My Training with Robert Swan in Svalbard April 2018

Participants of the Last Degree must undertake rigorous training for months as the South is harsh and we must prepare to SURVIVE. This past April, Robert Swan and myself went to the Arctic circle to train with a group of seven people. What I have realised relentlessly in expeditions is that you learn more from the people than anything else. There, I found myself amongst a geologist, a military and two polar explorers who taught me the secrets of survival in the wild. For eight days we were uninterrupted by society and pulled our sledges through the glaciers and snowy valleys. This short yet eternal escape enabled us to mimic life in the Pole however temperatures only fell to -20.

How I am Training for the Last Degree

    • Meditation- to prepare me for the mental challenge

    • Train my core, legs and arms four times a week

    • Practice endurance by committing to a daily run varying between 8, 10 and 15km

    • Practice doing chores and tasks at home with big gloves on
