How I became an Ice Warrior



For most of my childhood, I felt trapped by insecurity, doubt and a sense of powerlessness. There was a void and a feeling of emptiness which the materialism of my world could not satisfy. Always searching for more, new experiences would never satiate me. Eventually, I was unrecognisable, even to myself. 

That was until the day I discovered Robert Swan who refers to himself as “the first man in the history of earth stupid enough to walk to both Poles”. Before I had even met him in person, he showed me the potential to be powerful and brave, despite any feelings of doubt. His journey awakened my feelings of excitement and purpose. Impulsively, I wrote to him, never imagining that seven months later I would be lucky enough to be chosen to join him on his 2018 Climate Force Expedition, braving the incredible waves of the Drake Passage en route to the southernmost and most magical place on earth: Antarctica. 

My journey dropped me into the magical world to which I was transported as a child reading about Shackleton’s exhilarating adventures. The continent’s unparalleled vastness, mystery and beauty made me feel curious, excited and unencumbered. However, with this sense of peace came a new challenge. As a gregarious, exuberant teenager, I’m often the one leading discussions. With my family, I had grown so used to mediating, I was rarely quiet. Being surrounded by people far wiser than I, isolated in what Sir Robert Swan calls “the last wild continent…a place that has never experienced war,” inspired me to listen. Antarctica, spoke to me and I listened. Soon after, I reflected on my vicious cycle of living virtually, of consuming and of how I limited myself to instant gratification and realised that I had become oblivious to the value of nature and the value of what goes beyond the physical. I believe that this is a realisation many girls around the world still need to make. When one sees something so untouched yet so threatened, so simple yet so beautiful as Antartica – nature in its pure state – one is compelled to do everything in one’s ability to protect it. I found myself again by dedicating my time to a cause that went beyond my own existence: climate change and the preservation of Antarctica. 

I therefore decided to go to the Arctic the place that is most vulnerable to climate change. After a long battle with fundraising and finding the time to balance my studies, I eventually made it to the top of the world on another climate change expedition which was carbon negative. Despite uncovering new wonders and secrets from the beauty of the Arctic, there, I also felt my inspiration fleeing rapidly. The devastating conditions of the sea ice and permafrost made me lose hope and as I witnessed the ice caps melt before my eyes a huge feeling of guilt that had been accumulating over a very long time suddenly arose because I realised I wasn’t doing enough. Calling yourself an environmentalist to make yourself feel better is not really being an environmentalist. I now knew I had to become one. 

I told myself it was no longer time to await the inconvenient truth but instead to uncover convenient solutions. Robert Swan personally challenged me to walk to the South pole. I accepted to hike nearly 100 miles in -40 degrees. Its the toughest thing I could ever imagine doing. But that is nothing compared to feeling lost and feeling hopeless. Looking back at who I used to be and the struggles I was trapped in as a teenager, this old life of mine at the time seemed impossible to overcome. Yet I beat all the odds. Through this adventure I will chase my dreams, achieve the impossible and form a story that will inspire girls to do the same as we all collectively work towards a sustainable future. And I have hope that as a planet we will also achieve what sometimes seems impossible: combating climate change. If I am able to overcome the biggest challenge of walking to the pole at minus forty degrees surviving only off of sustainable energy and eco friendly products then is possible for anyone to do the same. I hope that my insane adventure will help more girls around the world be more sustainable with their habits and choices.